The term "worst year ever" often lightly days, typically online trivial reasons disappointment the latest episode Total Drama. However, scientists historians provided evidence the year 536 A.D. deserves title. a volcanic eruption Iceland, sun blocked a year a .
A year warmth sunshine be pretty good (or bad) contender, would year full warfare, disease, death. Recency bias influence one's perspective, too. a result, are a years could considered worst year history. only question is, year the worst the worst?
5. 1943 arguably worst year the World War, least the Nazi genocide machine in full flow. really no 'good' years the start the World War 1939 its conclusion 1945. 1943 arguably worst the lot. only the fighting its peak the Holocaust reached .
Any year the fighting raged could considered this list, 1945 takes prize the worst them all. WWII to bloody conclusion '45, that victory at high cost. U.S. dropped atomic bombs Japan, resulting more 400,000 casualties.
Each year this list isn't about single catastrophe about ripple effect brought stress, grief, monumental change the world. So, let's into of most challenging, stressful years recorded history, maybe gain little appreciation what people these times endured. all, .
Picking worst years human history no easy task, most it been undocumented full spectacularly bad years. We've a long from famine almost consistently war-ravaged early past, somehow managed build working civilization everything nature thrown us the ages. However, the years do the records for, it's .
Some the worst years history 2020 peachy comparison. . Comeup 2024: Interesting Engineering awards top 3 startups Seoul tech event. Kapil Kajal. 42 minutes ago. 0. 2.
Needless say, was pretty terrible year be alive. 1918 - War Spanish Flu. year 1918 a terrible for reasons. off, was last year World War - war took lives an estimated 16 million people. if wasn't enough, 1918 saw outbreak the Spanish Flu pandemic.